The principles I am most mindful of through every step of the presentation process are: Diligence in preparation. Simplicity in design. Naturalness in delivery. All of which, in the end, lead to greater clarity for us and for our audience.

1. Captivating online presenters know how to put themselves in the right state.

State is nothing but how you experience the present moment. There’s a specific state you need to get in when you start welcoming the participants; another state when you take up their questions or sharing some important insights with them. You must be proficiently switching yourself into your most resourceful state as per the situation you are dealing with. That’s what world class presenters are skilled at doing.

2. Captivating online presenters present their original content.

I had an opportunity to be trained and coached by one of the best trainers and coaches in the world. What I have observed in them, is they speak what they believe in and that too from their heart. Their conviction and confidence is contagious. They are no way “copy and paste” kinds like you generally encounter. Even if they are sharing someone else’s work, they will present their own interpretation of the same. Presenting for them, is a way to express themselves rather a way to impress their audience.

3. Captivating online presenters give more than their audience expect.

Can you imagine a great presenter standing there seeking for your approval, craving for your appreciation? That’s not the case with the magnificent online presenters who have the spirit to give first before they start receiving. As an audience you are touched by their commitment to make a positive difference to you, and you are inclined to give back. Learn this special quality from them. Give your audience to the best of your ability and create a special place in their minds and hearts forever.

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